Do Hawks Eat Foxes? All You Need To Know!

bird of prey and fox attack

The answer is yes, hawks do eat foxes. There are a number of reasons why hawks may choose to eat foxes, including to fulfill their dietary needs or to protect their territory.

Hawks typically eat small mammals, such as rodents or rabbits. However, they will also eat larger prey, such as foxes, if the opportunity arises. Hawks are opportunistic hunters and will take advantage of whatever prey is available.

Hawks typically prey on young and vulnerable foxes. Adult foxes are more difficult to catch and are less common in hawk diets. Hawks will also eat sick or injured foxes.

Foxes are not a preferred prey item for hawks but they will eat them if they are hungry or if the fox is invading their territory. Eating a fox may also help a hawk to protect its young, as foxes are known to kill and eat small birds.

Hawks usually hunt alone but sometimes they will cooperate in groups to take down a larger animal, such as a fox. The number of foxes killed by hawks is not known but it is thought to be relatively low.

Does the hawk population affect the fox population?

Hawks are incredible predators that help keep our ecosystems in check. But did you know that they occasionally prey on foxes?

The consequences for the fox population are not entirely clear. If hawks consume sick or injured foxes, it may help to keep the fox population healthy by eliminating individuals who are less likely to survive. However, if hawks prey on healthy foxes on a regular basis, the fox population may suffer. More research is needed to determine the long-term impact of this predator-prey relationship.

Do hawks eat
Credits: Mathias Nguyen,

Hawks are thought to help keep the fox population in check by predating on them. This is good for the environment because it helps to keep the two species in balance. Furthermore, if the hawk population is large, it may help to reduce the number of foxes killed by humans. On the opposite end reducing the overall number of foxes as well as the population’s ability to recover from losses.

Why do hawks eat foxes?

The number of foxes killed by hawks is unknown, but it is believed to be low.
Hawks may consume foxes for a number of reasons. Some hawks may regard foxes as a threat to their territory and may kill them to protect it. Hawks may see foxes as a potential food source and kill them for the same reason. Furthermore, hawks are opportunistic hunters, meaning they will take whatever prey is available. Hawks typically eat foxes when they are young and vulnerable. Adult foxes are more difficult to catch and are not as common in the diet of hawks. Hawks will also eat foxes that are sick or injured.


There are a few reasons on why hawks would eat foxes. It could be for food or to keep their territory safe. If hawks do eat foxes, the fox population may suffer as a result. There is no definitive answer to how frequently hawks eat foxes because it varies by hawk.

The impact of hawks eating foxes is determined by the fox population. If the fox population is healthy, the loss of a few individuals to hawks will have little effect. However, if the fox population is already depleted, the loss of even a few individuals can be disastrous.

Hawks typically eat sick or injured foxes, but they will also kill healthy foxes. The frequency with which hawks consume foxes is determined by the availability of prey. Hawks prey on foxes more frequently in areas where there are a lot of them.


Hi, i am Mathias, the founder of I am passionate about bird watching and got into it during the last few years. I love sharing all the knowledge and research that I have collected the past few years about bird watching. I strive to make the best resource for newcomers and more experienced bird watchers!

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