25 Backyard Birds in Oregon in 2023 (Pictures & Facts)

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Last updated 11-04-2023 by Mathias

In this article, we try to help you answer the question: What species of backyard birds can I find in Oregon?

This article will showcase some of the most common backyard birds in The Beaver State, Oregon. Oregon is the home to the deepest lake in the United States that was formed in the remains of an ancient volcano. Some common animals found in Oregon are elk, beavers, mountain lions, black bears, otters, brush rabbits, western toads, quail, and western rattlesnakes. Oregon gets its nickname, “The Beaver State” from the fact that there are between 10 to 50 million American Beavers in Oregon.

25 most common backyard birds in Oregon:

  1. Dark-eyed Junco (97.33% frequency)
  2. Northern Flicker (83.20% frequency)
  3. Anna’s Hummingbird (81.60% frequency)
  4. Pine Siskin (81.07% frequency)
  5. Black-capped Chickadee (81.07% frequency)
  6. House Finch (79.73% frequency)
  7. Spotted/Eastern Towhee (75.20% frequency)
  8. Scrub-Jay (73.60% frequency)
  9. Song Sparrow (69.33% frequency)
  10. American Robin (67.20% frequency)
  11. Downy Woodpecker (67.20% frequency)
  12. Red-breasted Nuthatch (65.07% frequency)
  13. Bushtit (64.53% frequency)
  14. Steller’s Jay (60.00% frequency)
  15. European Starling (57.07% frequency)
  16. Lesser Goldfinch (56.00% frequency)
  17. Varied Thrush (53.07% frequency)
  18. American Goldfinch (49.87% frequency)
  19. Chestnut-backed Chickadee (49.87% frequency)
  20. Mourning Dove (49.60% frequency)
  21. Golden-crowned Sparrow (49.60% frequency)
  22. American Crow (44.80% frequency)
  23. Townsend’s Warbler (43.47% frequency)
  24. Bewick’s Wren (41.33% frequency)
  25. Ruby-crowned Kniglet (38.13% frequency)

1. Dark-eyed Junco

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Image: © Chris Wood | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Junco hyemalis

Length: 5.5-6.3 in (14-16 cm)

Weight: 0.6-1.1 oz (18-30 g)

Wingspan: 7.1-9.8 in (18-35 cm)

Found in 97.33 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

Colors of juncos vary widely across the United States; the most common is a dark gray or brown. They have white tail feathers and a pink beak. In terms of geographic distribution, the Dark-Eyed Junco may be found all over the world. More than a dozen varieties of the Junco can be found in the wild; they include the Slate, Oregon; Pink; Red; Grey; White; and White-Winged Juncos.

The North American woodlands are home to a plethora of Dark-eyed Juncos. These birds may be found across North America, from Alaska to Mexico and all the way down to California and New York. In addition to nesting on the ground, they scavenge for seeds that have fallen from trees and plants.

During the mating season, the Dark-eyed Junco can be seen in regions of northern Oregon year-round.

Juncos prefer black oil sunflower seeds, oats, cracked corn, and Nyjer, which they typically find at bird feeders. The seeds may be thrown on the ground and they will consume them, as well as giant hopper feeders and platform feeders, which they like to eat out of.

2. Northern Flicker

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Image: © Warren Lynn | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Colaptes auratus

Length: 11.0-12.2 in (28-31 cm)

Weight: 3.9-5.6 oz (110-160 g)

Wingspan: 16.5-20.1 in (42-51 cm)

Found in 83.20 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

On the rump, the Northern Flicker has a white patch. Compared to eastern birds, eastern birds have brilliant yellow undersides to their tails and wings, whereas eastern birds have red undersides. The size of a Northern Flicker varies from a robin up to a crow. The heads of these woodpeckers are rounded and thin, and they are rather huge. Almost all of their bills have been reduced.

Many hours are spent on the ground by Northern Flickers. When perched in trees, woodpeckers like to rest on the tree trunk with their tails to keep themselves straight on horizontal branches.

The Northern Flicker is a year-round resident in Oregon. It is common for them to depart the northern regions of their territory to spend the winter. When it comes to the southern states, flickers tend to breed further south and spend the winter there.

Walk through open woodlands or along forest margins to see if you may spot a Northern Flicker. Look for a feeding area on the ground or in a nearby tree. When they’re in the air, look for their white patches.

If you want a nesting pair of Northern Flickers in your yard, consider putting up nesting boxes, but do it well in advance of the breeding season to ensure success. Suet cages, hoppers, and platform feeders are their preferred feeding methods. You may add suet and peanuts, millet and sunflower seeds, safflower and cracked corn, as well as peanut hearts to your feeders.

3. Anna’s Hummingbird


Image: © Kyle Blaney | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Calypte anna

Length: 3.9 in (10 cm)

Weight: 0.1-0.2 oz (3-6 g)

Wingspan: 4.7 in (12 cm)

Found in 81.60 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

Smaller than sparrows, Anna’s hummingbirds are bigger than the Rufous Hummingbird. Green and grey are the primary colors of these hummingbirds. Iridescent reddish-pink heads and throats of the male birds appear grey or brown in the absence of direct sunshine.

One of the many titles given by the hummingbirds to their flock is “the music of the hummingbirds,” which refers to the melodic sound the birds make when flying together in formation. Like they flit between blooms, the Anna’s Hummingbirds seem as a blur.

Among North American hummingbirds, Anna’s Hummingbirds seldom migrate at all or travel for just a short distance. During the mating season, these hummingbirds may be seen in south-central Oregon, but they can be seen all year round in western Oregon.

When you see a hummingbird, it’s almost always at a feeder. Hummingbirds are occasionally to be seen in and near huge flowers, eucalyptus trees, and landscaped gardens, so keep a look out for them.

It is relatively simple to attract Anna’s Hummingbirds to a backyard feeder by putting out a hummingbird feeder. Sugar and water are an easy-to-make hummingbird meal combination. Because these particular hummingbirds don’t make extensive seasonal movements, you may see them at the same feeders year after year.

4. Pine Siskin

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Image: © Warren Lynn | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Colaptes auratus

Length: 11.0-12.2 in (28-31 cm)

Weight: 3.9-5.6 oz (110-160 g)

Wingspan: 16.5-20.1 in (42-51 cm)

Found in 81.07 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

Sharp, pointed beaks and short, notched tails distinguish Pine Siskins from other birds of prey. The wings and tail of these birds are a faint yellow with brown borders. They have a slenderer beak than other finches, which is unusual. Look for forked tails and pointed wingtips on these birds as they’re flying.

The Pine Siskin is able to increase its metabolic rate by five times when the temperature drops overnight. Temperatures as low as –70°C (-94°F) may be sustained for several hours at a time by these organisms.

In Eastern Oregon, Pine Siskins can be found when they aren’t reproducing. Throughout the year, they may be found throughout Western Oregon. In reality, these birds may be found across most of North America, including Alaska, Canada, Texas, Minnesota, and even some regions of Mexico, at various times of the year.

The Pine Siskin may be seen hanging upside down from the tips of pine trees, making it easy to recognize. The winding cry is unique and harsh. The sound of a piece of paper being torn may be heard in this call. It’s not uncommon for the Pine Siskin, a North American bird, to appear one year and disappear the next year.

Set up a Nyjer or a thistle feeder to draw Pine Siskins to your yard. They also enjoy millet and hulled sunflower seeds, which are smaller seeds. Feeding near plants with seed heads is where they may be found.

5. Black-capped Chickadee

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Image: © Evan Lipton | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Poecile atricapillus

Length: 4.7-5.9 in (12-15 cm)

Weight: 0.3-0.5 oz (9-14 g)

Wingspan: 6.3-8.3 in (16-21 cm)

Found in 81.07 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

The Black-capped Chickadee has black, white, and grey as its primary colors. Feathers on the wings are grey and white with black spots on the top of the head. As its black eyes are obscured by the bird’s black cap, it is impossible to see what it is looking at. Chickadees have a huge, nearly spherical head and a short, thick neck. The small, thick beak contrasts sharply with the short, slender tail of this bird.

There are hundreds of locations to hide for the Black-capped Chickadee, thus they choose to stash their food and seeds in a variety of areas. When it comes to their own home territory—which includes people—they have a propensity of exploring it thoroughly. In Oregon, the Black-capped Chickadee is a year-round resident and many people’s first introduction to the world of birds.

Chickadees are one of the most common birds to attract to bird feeders. For suet, sunflower seeds, and peanuts, this bird visits feeders. In the future, chickadees will be able to nest in willow, birch or alder trees that have been planted.

6. House Finch

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Image: © Martina Nordstrand | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Haemorhous mexicanus

Length: 5.1-5.5 in (13-14 cm)

Weight: 0.6-0.9 oz (16-27 g)

Wingspan: 7.9-9.8 in (20-25 cm)

Found in 79.73 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

The male House Finch’s face and breasts have a bright rosy red color in adulthood. Their back, belly, and tail are all streaked brown. Adult females are not red, but rather a grey-brown with a barely discernible facial markings. It has a short body, big beaks, and flat heads. Because of their small wings, they appear to have a longer tail. The House Finch has a modest notch on its tail compared to other finches.

Birds like the House Finch congregate around feeders or perch high in trees because they are social creatures. When they’re not at feeders, you can see them foraging on weeds or in the dirt. Like other finches, its flying is bouncy and erratic.

All year round, these finches may be seen in Oregon. The House Finches of the Great Lakes and Northeastern U.S. migrate south for the season.

When searching for House Finches, keep an eye out for them in populated areas such as city parks, urban cores, forest margins, farms and backyards.. In large numbers, they are difficult to overlook since they are so loud.

If you use little, black oil sunflower seeds in your feeders. The more of these species that locate your feeders, the more birds you’ll attract. Platforms, hoppers, and tube feeders are some of their favorite feeding options. Hulled sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, and Nyjer are all favorites.

7. Spotted/Eastern Towhee

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Image: © Mason Maron | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Pipilo maculatus/erythrophthalmus

Length: 6.7-8.3 in (17-21 cm)

Weight: 1.2-1.7 oz (33-49 g)

Wingspan: 11.0 in (28 cm)

Found in 75.20 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

The Spotted Towhee is a large sparrow with a long, rounded tail and a broad, pointed beak. The top and throat of the male Towhee are completely black. It has rusty cinnamon-colored flanks and a white belly.

In order to find seeds and tiny invertebrates, Spotted Towhees like to hop backward, which is known as “double-scratching”. Foraging for insects and fruits is a favorite pastime of these birds, who are often observed hopping around on the ground beneath plants and ascending onto lower branches.

Most of Oregon’s year-round population of Spotted Towhees may be found in northern Oregon during the nesting season. Towhees are year-round residents as well as seasonal movers.

Overgrown meadows and woodland margins are common places to view Towhees. Cat-like mews and a fast-paced tune are the two things to look for in their mews. There are a number of places where you may look for signs of life, including in the undergrowth and on the ground.

Your backyard feeder is likely to attract the Spotted Towhee, and it may even be a permanent resident. They like to eat from platform feeders or from the ground, rather than in a cage. To attract Towhees to your backyard feeder, stock your feeders with sunflower seeds, cracked corn, millet, milo, and peanut hearts.

8. Scrub-Jay


Image: © Ilya Povalyaev | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Aphelocoma sp.

Length: 11.0-11.8 in (28-30 cm)

Weight: 2.5-3.5 oz (70-100 g)

Wingspan: 15.3 in (39 cm)

Found in 73.60 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

This songbird, Aphelocomoa sp. or Scrub-Jay, is very lanky and has an extremely floppy tail. The size of these jays is between between that of a robin and a crow. This bird is adorned with a necklace-like area of blue on its underside, which is a deep shade of blue and grey on the topside.

Scrub-Jays are gregarious, curious, and self-assured birds. These Jays may often be found perched on trees, poles, and wires. The Scrub-Jay enjoys being a watchdog. Known for their cunning, Scrub-Jays have been known to plunder the acorn and pine cone gardens of Clark’s Nutcrackers.

The Scrub-Jay is a year-round inhabitant, not a winter migrant. They can be seen year-round in Nevada, Washington, California, Oregon, and even some parts of Mexico, notably the Sierra Nevadas and the Baja California Peninsula.

Be on the watch for Scrub-Jays in pine forests as well as in parks, neighbourhoods, and even along the roadway. These Jays communicate with one another using raspy scolds and sobbing sounds.

You may attract Scrub Jays to your yard by putting sunflower seeds and peanuts in your feeders. If you have thick bushes and tiny trees, you may even get a couple to make a nest. To feed the Scrub-Jay, you can use a variety of methods including suet cages, hoppers, platforms, and tube feeders as well as the ground. They also enjoy millet, mealworms, berries, peanuts, cracked corn, and suet.

9. Song Sparrow


Image: © Jonathan Irons | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Melospiza melodia

Length: 4.7-6.7 in (12-17 cm)

Weight: 0.4-1.9 oz (12-53 g)

Wingspan: 7.1-9.4 in (18-24 cm)

Found in 69.33 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

There are large white patches on the Song Sparrow’s back and chest, which are streaked with brown. Medium-sized sparrows, these birds are heavyweights. Short bills, a long tassel-like tail and broad wings characterize the Song Sparrow’s plump head and long, rounded body.

In search of food, Song Sparrows like to fly through low-lying foliage or between trees. The male Song Sparrow generally sings from perches like tiny trees, which are often exposed to wind and rain. These sparrows may be found all throughout the United States.

The Song Sparrow is a year-round resident in the Pacific Northwest, Northern Midwest, Eastern, and Western United States. They can be found across the remainder of the United States and Mexico during the nonbreeding seasons. To find the Song Sparrow, you’ll need to travel to Canada.

Keep an eye out for the Song Sparrow as it makes its way across marshes and other thick vegetation. While sitting on exposed trees, the males like singing.

Song Feeding on platforms and the ground, sparrows are a common sight. Fill your feeders with milo, sunflower seeds, millet, safflower, peanut hearts, nyjer, and cracked corn to attract these birds to your yard.

10. American Robin

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Image: © Alex Eberts | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Turdus migratorius

Length: 7.9-11.0 in (20-28 cm)

Weight: 2.7-3.0 oz (77-85 g)

Wingspan: 12.2-15.8 in (31-40 cm)

Found in 67.20 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

There are white markings around its eyes, a brilliant yellow beak, and warm orange underparts in the American Robin. The females have heads that are lighter in color than the grey on their backs, making them easier to distinguish from one other. Although they are songbirds, American Robins are larger than most of their contemporaries. When comparing the size and form of birds, robins are believed to be an excellent starting point.

The American Robin is a hard-working bird that enjoys hopping through the grass and even standing erect with its mouth pointed upward to take in the view. During the winter months, they gather in huge groups to consume berries or even sleep in trees. When American Robins solely consume honeysuckle berries, birds might become inebriated. In the fall and winter, the American Robin eats a lot of fruit.

Oregon is home to a year-round population of these robins. If you live south of Canada, the American Robin may be found pretty about anyplace. Some of these Robins have even been discovered as far south as Mexico.

These Robins can be found in your neighborhood park or dashing over your yard looking for worms to eat. A clear, melodic, and musical sounding cry will lead you to them. You may hear their low call notes and find them in big flocks in the branches near fruit trees in the winter.

The ground or platform feeders are the preferred feeding locations for American Robins in North America. Fill your feeders with suet, fruit, mealworms, hulled sunflower seeds, and peanut hearts to attract these birds to your yard.

11. Downy Woodpecker

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Image: © Evan Lipton | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Dryobates pubescens

Length: 5.5-6.7 in (14-17 cm)

Weight: 0.7-1.0 oz (21-28 g)

Wingspan: 9.8-11.8 in (25-30 cm)

Found in 67.20 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

There is a red patch on the back of the head of the males of the Downy Woodpecker, which has a checkered black-and-white pattern. In comparison to their eastern counterparts, western Downy Woodpeckers have a darker plumage. They have whiter wings in eastern North America compared to the west. For those living in the Pacific Northwest, they tend to have a darker skin tone.

As a member of a flock, Downy Woodpeckers may spend less time looking out for predators and more time scavenging for food because there are other birds around.

Most of North America is home to the Downy Woodpecker year-round.

You’re likely to see one of these Woodpeckers at your backyard feeder if you’re lucky. A suet-cage diet is their preferred method of feeding, although they will also eat millet and even chunky peanut butter. Hummingbird feeders have even been seen to provide water for them.

12. Red-breasted Nuthatch

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Image: © Simon Boivin | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Sitta canadensis

Length: 4.3 in (11 cm)

Weight: 0.3-0.5 oz (8-13 g)

Wingspan: 7.1-7.9 in (18-20 cm)

Found in 65.07 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

Nuthatch’s head is heavily patterned with black cap and white stripes above the eye, and it is a blue-grey bird. In females, the undersides are a darker cinnamon hue. They have a short, pointed beak and a large, compact size. The tails of Red-breasted Nuthatches are quite short. They are the same size as sparrows in terms of height.

They drive away other hole-nesting birds like the Downy Woodpecker, White-breasted Nuthatch, and the House Wren when building their nests. It is not uncommon for these birds to steal nest-lining material from other species, especially Mountain Chickadees and Pygmy Nuthatches.

Nonbreeding seasons in eastern Oregon allow the Red-breasted Nuthatch to be spotted in western Oregon. In certain years, the Red-breasted Nuthatch may be found as far south as the Gulf Coast, the northernmost colonies of this bird.

To discover Red-breasted Nuthatches, listen for their nasal cry or the noises of chickadees and other foraging birds. Nuthatches can be seen climbing tree trunks and limbs, so keep an eye out for them.

Red-breasted There are a variety of feeding options available to nuthatches. In addition to sunflower seeds, you should include suet and peanut hearts in your feeder as well as mealworms and hulled sunflower seeds.

13. Bushtit

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Image: © Paul Fenwick | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Psaltriparus minimus

Length: 2.8-3.1 in (7-8 cm)

Weight: 0.1-0.2 oz (4-6 g)

Found in 64.53 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

In comparison to kinglets, the Bushtit is a little bird. The wingtips are a deeper shade of brown than the rest of the bird. Their huge heads and lengthy tails give them a hefty appearance, but their stubby beaks give them their name.

It is common to see groups of these birds as they can fly through the foliage at breakneck speed. They chirp and tweet all the time. In order to catch tiny insects and spiders, they often hang upside down. Year-round, Bushtits form large flocks of 10 to 40 birds.

No, bushtits don’t migrate south for the winter; they’re locals. Mountain birds, on the other hand, may descend to lower elevations in the winter. A huge part of Oregon has these all year round.

Even though they are a regular sight, these birds are hard to see. Pay attention to low branches, edges, and park plants for their movement. When searching for insects, they become extremely frantic and acrobatic.

Because they prefer to eat little insects, the Bushtit might be tough to entice to your backyard feeder. Use a tube feeder, suet cage, hopper, or platform feeder to entice them to your yard. Sunflower seeds, mealworms, peanut hearts and suet are also great additions to their diets.

14. Steller’s Jay

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Image: © Jeff Maw | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Cyanocitta stelleri

Length: 11.8-13.4 in (30-34 cm)

Weight: 3.5-4.9 oz (100-140 g)

Wingspan: 17.3 in (44 cm)

Found in 60.00 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

Starting with a dark grey head, the Steller’s Jay lightens up to a smoky grey on the rear of its body, and its wings are a dazzling blue coloration. There are distinct differences in coloration between the Pacific and Rocky Mountain variants of the Steller’s Jay. It is a huge songbird with a massive head and chunky body, almost equivalent in size to a robin or a crow.

The Steller’s Jay is brave, clever, and quite vocal, as are other Jays. A considerable amount of these Jays’ lives are spent in the forest canopy. Only the Steller’s Jay and the Blue Jay use mud to construct their nests in the New World.

A resident bird, the Steller’s Jay prefers breeding at higher altitudes and wintering at lower ones. In western and northeastern Oregon, year-round, these Jays can be spotted.

Overhead, Steller’s Jays may be seen perched in the forest canopy in the highlands of Japan. Keep an ear out for the scratchy, scolding sounds they make. They may also be spotted around picnic tables, campers, and backyards.

The Steller’s Jay prefers suet but will eat peanuts and other big seeds and nuts if you put them out in your yard. From the ground, suet cages, and tube feeders the Steller’s Jay is a fan of. Besides sunflower seeds and mealworms, other items that attract Steller’s Jays can be placed in bird feeders.

15. European Starling

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Image: © Matt Davis | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Sturnus vulgaris

Length: 7.9-9.1 in (20-23 cm)

Weight: 2.1-3.4 oz (60-96 g)

Wingspan: 12.2-15.8 in (31-40 cm)

Found in 57.07 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

In the summer, European Starlings appear black, but in reality they are an iridescent purple-green hue with bright yellow beaks. These starlings become brown in the winter and get speckled with white. In terms of size, they’re roughly the same as the American Robin; they have long, thin beaks and short tails. They appear diminutive in flight because to their tiny, pointed wings.

When 100 European Starlings were released into New York’s Central Park in the 1800s, they were the first birds to arrive in the United States. A group of Americans wanted to own every bird mentioned by Shakespeare, which is why they released these starlings. The number of European Starlings in North America has surpassed 200 million. In Alaska, they may be found, and in Mexico they can be found as well.

The European Starling is a year-round resident in Oregon. In the absence of breeding, they can be found as far south as Mexico and the Caribbean.

Cities and towns are where you’re most likely to come across the European Starling. You may see these birds on lawns, parks, and fields around the city. They’ll be traveling in a zigzag pattern across the grass, which you can observe. Every few steps, these starlings stab their beak into the earth. It’s more common to see flocks of European Starlings soaring above farms and highways in the countryside rather than alone.

The suet cages, hoppers, platform feeders, tube feeders, and the ground are all favorite feeding spots for these starlings. In order to attract these birds to your yard, fill your bird feeders with a variety of seeds and nuts, such as peanuts and black oil sunflower seeds.

16. Lesser Goldfinch


Image: © Sharif Uddin | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Spinus psaltria

Length: 3.5-4.3 in (9-11 cm)

Weight: 0.3-0.4 oz (8-11.5 g)

Wingspan: 5.9-7.9 in (15-20 cm)

Found in 56.00 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

The little songbird known as the Lesser Goldfinch has a stubby beak. Long, pointed wings and notched tails distinguish these birds. In addition to their bright yellow plumage, male Lesser Goldfinches feature a black hat and white spots on their wings. The underparts of female finches are a drab yellowish-olive color.

These Goldfinches tend to congregate in large flocks, sometimes numbering in the thousands. Many other species of birds, including Lawrence’s and American Goldfinches, as well as Pine Siskins, lark sparrows, bluebirds (including Western Bluebirds), house finches, and white-crowned sparrows congregate with Lesser Goldfinch flocks at feeding places.

The Lesser’s are locals or recent arrivals. During frigid winters, the Lesser Goldfinches mysteriously vanish from northern portions of their territory, and specialists are uncertain where they go. Only a small portion of eastern Oregon is home to the Lesser Goldfinch.

Smaller birds are often found in big groups at feeding places. With their all-black hats, they’re easily recognizable. These Goldfinches like weedy fields and the tops of thistle bushes to spend their time.

Feeders including tube feeders, hoppers, and platforms are preferred by the smaller Goldfinches. Black oil sunflower seeds, hulled sunflower seeds, and nyjer are among their favorite foods.

17. Varied Thrush


Image: © Graham Gerdeman | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Ixoreus naevius

Length: 0.07.5-10.2 in (19-26 cm)

Weight: 2.3-3.5 oz (65-100 g)

Wingspan: 13.4-15.0 in (34-38 cm)

Found in 53.07 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

Varied Thrush is a large-headed songbird with a stocky build. The American Robin is about the same size as this Thrush. Dark blue-grey and burnt orange are the primary colors of the male bird. Orange bars and borders decorate the black wings.

Varied Rhinos frequently hop on the ground near plants or trees that are not too high. A large portion of their diet during the warmer months is made up of insects and other arthropods. To keep warm in the dead of winter, these thrushes consume fruit and nuts. A common sight in mating areas is a male bird perched precariously on a high perch.

Aside from the mating season, these Thrushes can be found year-round in the West of Oregon, but they are extremely rare in Central and Eastern Oregon.

Often found in deep woodlands where they nest, Varied Thrushes’ lengthy echoing song might be heard. Small crevices in the earth are where you’ll find these thrushes scavenging for food.

Many people have seen Varied Thrushes feeding on platform feeders on the ground in their backyards. Keep suet, mealworms, and hulled sunflower seeds in your bird feeders to draw them to your yard. Fruiting bushes are also a draw for these birds.

18. American Goldfinch

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Image: © Darren Clark | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Spinus Tristis

Length: 4.3-5.12 in (11-13 cm)

Weight: 0.4-0.7 oz (11-20 g)

Wingspan: 7.5-8.7 in (19-22 cm)

Found in 49.87 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

Adult males are brilliant yellow in the early spring, with a black forehead, and their wings are black with white patterns. On the whole, the mature females are olive-colored, with a duller yellow coat. In the winter, the Goldfinch’s plumage is drab and its wings are blackish.

Clinging to weeds and seedsocks, the American Goldfinch is an acrobatic and lively little bird. They can be seen milling about feeders or on the ground underneath them, often in great numbers. They frequently fly in an undulating, bouncing fashion, and they often make noises as they soar through the air.

During the mating season, these finches may be found as far north as northern Minnesota, Michigan, and even Canada. They may be found all across the country when they aren’t reproducing.

Many different types of hanging, platform, and hopper feeders entice the American Goldfinch. Thistles and other natural composite plants attract Goldfinches. Sunflower seeds and Nyjer are their favorite foods.

19. Chestnut-backed Chickadee


Image: © Paul Fenwick | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Poecile rufescens

Length: 3.9-4.7 in (10-12 cm)

Weight: 0.3-0.4 oz (7-12 g)

Wingspan: 7.5 in (19 cm)

Found in 49.87 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

Most chickadees have black and white heads, but Chestnut-backed Chickadees have chestnut-colored backs. The backs of these Chickadees are a deep chestnut brown, in keeping with their name. It’s hard to believe that these birds, which are only a few inches long, have huge heads and short beak.

This species of chickadee is highly energetic and acrobatic, and they enjoy clinging on little limbs of trees, twigs, and even pinecones. When kinglets and nuthatches congregate, Chestnut-backed Chickadees will follow suit.

While the Chestnut-backed Chickadee is a year-round resident bird, it prefers higher elevations during the summer months. This Chickadee is a year-round resident in western Oregon.

Chestnut-backed Chickadees can be found in coastal conifers or low bushes near yards. Chirps and other birds of prey can be found by listening to their distinctive sounds, particularly in the winter months.

Install nesting boxes in your yard to attract a pair of Chestnut-backed Chickadees. Tube feeders, suet cages, hoppers, and platform feeders are common places to find these chickadees. Fill your birdfeeders with seeds and mealworms to draw these birds to your yard. They’ll love the variety of foods you’ve put out.

20. Mourning Dove

mourning dove 1

Image: © Ryan Schain | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Zenaida macroura 

Length: 9.1-13.4 in (23-34 cm)

Weight: 3.0-6.0 oz (96-170 g)

Wingspan: 17.7 in (45 cm)

Found in 49.60 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

Mourning Doves frequently have hues that fit the open landscape in where they live. Brown-tan, with black dots on their wings and white tail feathers with black borders, these birds have a distinctive appearance. The large bodies and lengthy tails of these doves contrast sharply with their small legs.

Wingbeats of Mourning Doves are strong enough to make rapid drops, ascents, and evasions. Three Mourning Doves fly in formation during the breeding season, with the lead bird usually being the male of a married pair. Unmated male follows rival to where he expects to nest in the second picture. The mated pair’s third member is the female.

As a year-round resident of Oregon, the Mourning Dove travels to the upper Midwest to reproduce during the spring and summer months.

Many of your neighborhood’s telephone lines and perches are frequented by these birds. Find bare terrain where birds congregate to store food.

Millet may be scattered on platform feeders or on the ground to entice these birds into your yard. Dense, evergreen shrubbery and trees can supply them with potential nesting sites. Keep your cats indoors, though, as birds that spend a lot of time on the ground are particularly vulnerable to cat assault.

21. Gold-crowned Sparrow


Image: © David M. Bell | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Zonotrichia atricapilla

Length: 5.9-7.1 in (15-18 cm)

Weight: 1.1-1.2 oz (30-33 g)

Found in 49.60 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

Long tails, tiny heads, and short beaks are all characteristics of Gold-crowned Sparrows. An American Robin or a Yellow-rumped Warbler is bigger, however this species is smaller than the American Robin. These sparrows have brown streaks on their backs and a smooth gray underside throughout the summer. The Gold-crowned Sparrows are darker in the winter.

On the ground as well as in low vegetation, the Gold-crowned Sparrow prefers to eat seeds and other small prey. As they migrate, this sparrow and other sparrows like the White-crowned Sparrow are commonly observed in loose groups.

The whole population of these sparrows migrates in large groups to the northern breeding grounds. Winter is spent on the West Coast, where they are based. During the non-breeding seasons, it is possible to see the Gold-crowned Sparrow in Oregon. While migrating through eastern Oregon, look for this sparrow.

Between autumn and spring, look for this sparrow on the West Coast amid bushes and weedy fields. These birds may be spotted bouncing around the ground while picking at the ground with their beaks. Only in Alaska’s wilds and western Canada’s wilderness can you view the Gold-crowned Sparrows throughout the summer.

Gold-crowned It is not uncommon for a sparrow to take seeds that have fallen to the ground from feeders. These sparrows are also known to eat from elevated platforms. Sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, cracked corn, peanut hearts, millet, and milo are also favorites of these birds.

22. American Crow

americancrow 1

Image: © Henry Burton | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Corvus brachyrhynchos

Length: 15.8-20.9 in (40-53 cm)

Weight: 11.2-21.9 oz (316-620 g)

Wingspan: 33.5-39.4 in (85-100 cm)

Found in 44.80 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

Crows in the United States are completely black. Everything, from the legs to the bill, is included. However, when they molt, the older, duller feathers might seem brown in comparison to the shiny new ones. They’re a massive species with lengthy legs and a bulky neck. The crow’s beak is straight, and its wings are wide and rounded when flying. Even the wingtip feathers seem like they’re fanned out like a pair of fingers. This species has a short tail that ends in a rounded shape.

Crows are highly gregarious creatures, and large groups can number in the tens of thousands. The American crow is prone to pranks, yet they are also excellent problem solvers. They may be spotted scavenging through rubbish cans or scavenging through old food packaging.

A year-round presence of American Crows may be seen in Oregon, although their mating season frequently takes them further north to Canada. The Canadian crow population typically spends the winters in the United States.

Outside of the southern deserts, American Crows can be seen in large numbers throughout the lower 48 states. These crows can be seen in parks, rubbish dumps, groomed lawns, cemeteries, campers, and other open locations. Listen for their noisy cawing to locate them.

It’s unusual to see an American Crow at a bird feeder in the backyard. You may see more crows in an area where there is a lot of open space, different types of trees, or food. The crows will be drawn to the peanuts if you place them out in an open area. Some of them may be found eating out of your rubbish can or even compost.

23. Townsend’s Warbler


Image: © Matt Brady | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Setophaga townsendi

Length: 4.7-5.0 in (12-12.7 cm)

Weight: 0.3-0.4 oz (7.3-10.4 g)

Wingspan: 7.5-8.3 in (19-21 cm)

Found in 43.47 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

In addition to their black heads and throats, adult male Warblers have a brilliant yellow face and a black cheek patch. White bands go over the wings of the Townsend’s Warbler. These warblers are smaller and more slender than others.

This species of warbler is known for its ability to hunt for insects in conifer and deciduous trees by hovering, snatching, and hawking them. These warblers dine heavily on honeydew while they spend the winter in Mexico.

As a migratory bird, the Townsend Warbler can be seen along the coast of Oregon year-round. As well as the Northeast, Townsend’s Warblers can breed in some parts of northern Oregon. During its migration, this bird can be found in the far eastern United States and southwest Oregon.

Breeding occurs best in forests with a mix of hardwoods and conifers. In the forest, warblers nest and feed high in the trees, making it difficult to see them clearly.

Foods that are high in energy, such as meal worms, suet, and peanut butter, are preferred by Warblers when the temperature drops below freezing. During the winter months, Townsend’s Warblers can be found perusing backyard feeders.

24. Bewick’s Wren


Image: © Michael Stubblefield | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Thryomanes bewickii

Length: 5.1 in (13 cm)

Weight: 0.3-0.4 oz (8-12 g)

Found in 41.33 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

Brown-grey Bewick’s Wrens have long white stripes above their eyes that give them the appearance of eyebrows. Long, downcurved bills, a slim body, and a long tail distinguish these Wrens.

When foraging for insects in trees, Bewick’s Wrens typically raise their tails high over their backs or spread them side to side. Male and female Bewick’s Wrens typically hunt for food together in monogamous relationships.

It is possible to see the Bewick’s Wren in Oregon on the west coast and in the extreme southern and northern reaches of the state, respectively. Short travels have been observed in certain Western states, where these Wrens are normally year-round residents.

Although dry, brushy, or scrubby habitats are frequent hangouts for Bewick’s Wrens in Western North America, they prefer to avoid being out in the open. Summer is a great time to listen for the male’s music.

Native plants like willow, elderberry, chaparral, and mesquite might bring the Bewick’s Wren to your garden. Tube feeders, hoppers, platforms, suet cages, and even the ground are common feeding locations for Bewick’s. Their favorite foods are hulled sunflower seeds, mealworms, peanuts, and suet.

25. Ruby-crowned Kinglet


Image: © Evan Lipton | Macaulay Library

Scientific name: Corthylio calendula

Length: 3.5-4.3 in (9-11 cm)

Weight: 0.2-0.3 oz (5-10 g)

Wingspan: 6.3-7.1 in (16-18 cm)

Found in 38.13 percent of the sites visited in Oregon

In general, Ruby-crowned Kinglets are olive green. The Ruby-crowned Kinglet gets its name from a crimson patch on the crown of its males’ heads, which contrasts with its white eyering and wingbar. Small little birds with long thin tails and tiny beak and a neck that is virtually nonexistent.

It is common to see these birds scurrying through the greenery while flapping their wings. One nest of Ruby-crowned Kinglets may contain up to 12 eggs, demonstrating the huge clutch size of this bird.

Short-distance migrants include the Ruby-crowned Kinglet. Far north and west mountains are where they breed. In some parts of eastern Oregon, they can be spotted year-round. Central Oregon has Ruby-crowned Kinglets during the nesting season, while the rest of Oregon has these birds year-round.

It is possible to catch a glimpse of one of these Kinglets lurking in the leaves of wayside trees.

Feeding from suet cages and platform feeders, Ruby-crowned Kinglets can be found. Mealworms, hulled sunflower seeds, suet, and peanut hearts are among their favorite foods.

Bird watching in Oregon

Oregon is an excellent location for bird watching! The state is home to numerous bird species, making it an ideal destination for birders of all skill levels. Oregon is an excellent place to see a wide variety of birds due to its varied terrain, diverse habitats, and favorable weather.

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced birder, Oregon has something for you. A variety of high-altitude species can be found in the state’s mountainous regions, while migratory species such as shorebirds and seabirds can be found in the state’s coastal regions. There are numerous species of waterfowl and other migratory birds in the state’s inland areas.

Oregon’s weather can also be ideal for bird watching. Temperatures are generally mild during the summer months, making it ideal for bird watching. The winter months can be cold, but they can also be a great time to see birds that have migrated to the area.

Attracting backyard birds in Oregon

You’re in luck if you want to attract birds to your backyard in Oregon! Oregon is an excellent place for backyard bird watching due to its diverse habitats and pleasant weather. There are numerous ways to make your backyard a welcoming habitat for birds, ranging from installing bird feeders and bird houses to providing water sources and plants that attract birds.

When it comes to bird feeders, make sure to provide a variety of feed for various bird species. Sunflower seeds, millet, cracked corn, suet, nectar, and other types of birdseed mix are all good choices. Keep your bird feeders full, as birds will return frequently if they find a reliable food source.

Installing birdhouses in your backyard can also help to create a bird-friendly environment. These can provide shelter and nesting sites for birds, attracting a wide range of species. Choose a birdhouse that is appropriate for the species of birds you want to attract.

Including water sources in your backyard can also help to attract birds. Drippers, bird baths, and small ponds are all excellent choices. Simply keep the water clean and replace it on a regular basis.

Finally, adding plants to your backyard can help to attract birds. Native plants are always the best because they are climate-adapted and provide food and shelter for birds. A variety of shrubs and trees can also provide food and shelter for birds.

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